The Space Arranger

"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."
Business Hours
Contact Monday - Saturday | 9:00a - 6:00p
(772) 359-8382
House Staging Service /Interior Designers
Debbie DeBie
(772) 359-8382
Certified Redesigner and Home Stager
Fort Pierce, FL
Redesign & Home Staging
Debbie DeBie Bio
The unique seasoning of my gypsy life adds flavor when I’m redesigning spaces. Lived in 9 states throughout the U.S. Have moved over 27 times, and experienced a wide variety of size, shapes, and styles of homes. Each came with its own set of distinctive features and constraints when arranging home furnishings.
Combined, these fun challenges are equal to a “Masters Degree” of rearranging home furnishings. My formal certification in Redesign and Home Staging was in Kansas City, MO in 2005. A Redesign graduate from I.R.I.S. (Interior Redesign Industry Specialist) and Home Stager graduate through N.R.I. (National Redesign Institute.)
Being a natural-born organizer I focus on function first in a space. In both Redesign and Home Staging the process draws forth the natural beauty and flow in a room. Add sincere listening to the client’s needs, intuitive selection of items, and a deep desire to have fun in what I do… Well that’s a formula for success!
I especially love teaching clients how to work within their own space. Redesign isn’t theory… it’s a practical hands-on experience unique to the client’s room shape and size. The combination of their individual home furnishings and accessories make each space personal.
I currently reside in Florida’s Treasure and Space Coast area.